What distro are you running?

If you are willing to try Jack, Ardour is pretty impressive. Very complete and stable. Certainly a bit of a learning curve between Jack and Ardour itself but if you are going for pro quality it seems pretty hard to beat. I’m no expert so take it for what you will. I’ll recommend the KXStudio apps for managing Jack as well.

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Kubuntu without backports wouldn’t be the same for me. It’s something like a rolling DE on top of a stable Ubuntu point release. Yeah, special magical combination that makes me a happy man on a daily basis. :+1:



  • Main laptop: Fedora Workstation
  • Secondary laptop: Windows 10 (because Skyrim) and Ubuntu 18.04


Ubuntu 18.04 since it was released, Windows 10 since a few months (last time Skyrim was in a Steam Sale), Fedora for a couple of weeks.


For the most part yes… I’ll keep trying to run Skyrim in Proton every few months with the hope of being able to ditch Windows, but so far I haven’t had much luck.

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I am using Kubuntu LTS and totally enjoy every piece of it. Using it for 1 year now. Before that I used Xubuntu for 10 years or so…
I still use Xubuntu on older machines, etc…



Have. on my desktop, primary been on Mint 19.2 Cinnamon for sometime now. Think it’s an easy switch from Windows 10.
Secondary testing Pop_OS 19.04 and elementary. About to give Manjaro a shot…

Will start looking at XFCE in the near future.

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  1. LXLE.
  2. Since yesterday. :slightly_smiling_face:
  3. I’m gonna stick with it as long as my old laptop doesn’t die.
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S’nuff said.


Hi! I run Ubuntu 19.04 and make first step in ArchLinux that I installed last week!


I’ve started with Mint the first time but fell in love with Manjaro last Christmas and have been using it since (not continuously though). I have an Ubuntu VPS where I have my website (tried CentOs but couldn’t make it work :smiley:). And I have vanilla Arch on small laptop. No plans on moving away from Manjaro / Arch also because of games :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I’ve been running Ubuntu Mate since 16.10… I love what Martin Wimpress does with it. But I keep hearing @MichaelTunnell talking about KDE (even just last night listening to the Linux Lads podcast) so I’m sort of hankering to give that a shot…

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I am writing from Debian Testing, the only Arch-ish Debian distro around, in XFCE4.14 no less, same as Arch has, only a 5.2 kernel though. I have several distro’s going, I am going to dual boot my Asus 4GB I3 laptop with Arch. The laptop has an SSD that totally transforms this lowly laptop. Htop tells me I am using 1.2GB using Firefox, I think Arch was closer to 1GB, but close. On my main computer there is Ubuntu and Peppermint Linux. I have Peppermint modded for gaming and it rocks…Linux is such great fun…

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I want to stay close to Ubunt and Archlinux tu run those sometime and to study them well. Yes Manjaro also is very good choise. I have a look at architect edition and i3wm. By the way I installed i3 on my Ubuntu 19.04 and on my Arch, I also have on Arch Qtile and XFCE4.

Just made the switch from windows to POP! OS. Been on it about a week…loving it so far. Actually waiting on an oryx pro from then now. Only other distro that might tempt me would be manjaro.


Ubuntu since 2008, but Mate or Xubuntu, if I could use 500 MB more memory.
Desktop Ryzen 3 2200G (16 GB): Ubuntu 19.04 minimal install
Laptop i5 2520M (8 GB): Ubuntu Mate 19.10
Both boot and run from ZFS and both run the exactly same Virtualbox Virtual Machines:

  • Xubuntu 18.04.3: Office work, Torrents, WhatsApp, Email
  • Ubuntu 16.04.6: Banking & Paypal exclusively!
  • Windows XP Home: Music with Wow and TrueBass Effects
  • Ubuntu Mate 19.04: Experiments
  • Windows 10: Dutch TV Viewer (Windows only)

See: Desktop Showcase - #64 by BertN45

Backup Server Pentium 4 HT (3.0GHz, 1.25 GB): FreeBSD 12.0 32-bits, boots and runs ZFS for 1 hour/week.
3 striped HDDs (77% Full): 2 x IDE 3.5"; 320+250GB and SATA-1, 2.5"; 320GB
Only two cables: Power and Ethernet 1 Gbps (effectively ~200 Mbps with 90% CPU load)
Controlled by SSH or RDP (with FreeBSD conky display)

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I am glad they finally made a new iso. I feared the project was dead

Currently on my desktop LInux Mint Cinnamon 19.2 I’ve been using it there with various upgrades for slightly over three years since I ran screaming into the night away from the latest windows clusterf*** I mean update back then. :wink:

I use my laptop as where I try other distros over the years to see if I want them to be my main driver on my desktop. I’ve tried Ubuntu Mate, Solus and as of a week ago Manjaro XFCE. So far, I’m really liking Manjaro and it may be the one that makes me shift my desktop over to it.


currently: Pop!_OS, i have even learned how to write it properly as you see

  1. Currently running Arch Linux with i3wm
  2. Running it for maybe a week constant distrohopping
  3. I just can’t get rid of Arch with i3wm. I will always come back. So I guess I’ll stick to it :smiley:


Okay I did it again :smiley:

Now I am back at Fedora 30 Workstation

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Im back on home distro of Manjaro

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I have a feeling this is going to be a very long thread. :grin:

I’m on Ubuntu 19.10 Beta at the moment running gnome-session to get a more vanilla GNOME experience. Still dual booting with Kubuntu 19.04 in case something blows up.