Albion Online Get Together

@leftybournes: Check! I’ll be there.
@swansinflight: We’re a real global guid, aren’t we? :smiley:

The moment’s kdeleteme is on board, our guild coud be online 24/7. So go out and recruit i’d say!

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Wrong timing. Server would have gone into maintenance by the time I’d have sent this. I did send an application to join the guild though. Hope it goes through the next time you get online.

Ok, no problem. I’ll check tonight if it came through. We’ll get you into the guild one way or another. :grin:

I’ll send the application again if it hasn’t gone through. Timezones are fun. :sweat_smile:

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Woohoow!! And proud of it! :crazy_face:


I didn’t even think this thread would gain traction after seeing it didn’t get replies for a long time. Now I’m having fun trying to catch people online to hopefully play with them. :grin:

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I’m online right now. I’ll check your application.

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You’re in!! :clap: Your rights have been granted. Welcome to the guild. :smile:
Now go out there and recruit!

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Awesome! I’ll go ahead and do that when I play again.

Great! Seeing that we’re somewhat from all over the world, we could consider our guild as one that never sleeps. :slight_smile:

Happy huntings!

I’m super impressed with this game; how it runs I mean. I guess it is a few years old now, but I have had one crash using it ever, and it’s so smooth. Also fullscreen in i3 workspace is perfect, and switching out to other workspaces and back works fine - though this seems to be what cause my one crash while it was loading while I did that.

Game itself is very same-same as most, grind up for more of the same again just harder, but it’s well done. I will have to see how I go if I try any PvP areas… which is most of the maps to be fair haha

Yep, that’s true. The game heavily relies on PvP or even GvG play. From what i’ve read there’s some real loot to be had when going PvP or in PvP areas. The black areas harbour the most valuable resources.
I won’t be taking on any player just yet. I need to get more skill and armour and weapons first. Also, for every kit you make, you definitely need a second or third one, stored away somewhere. (in case you loose the battle).
I was thinking of getting an island for our guild first. (which respectable guild doesn’t have an island of their own, right?).
After that, get some more gear and skill and start hunting other players… :japanese_ogre:
From what i’ve read, an island gives you the opportunity of building your own shops. That way you can craft and forge as you like. Downside though is the lack of fame you get. But it’s something to consider, i guess. Oh, and farming… Also very important.

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Sounds like a plan. Food seems to be a big part of the buffs.
I’m at the stage where I need to grind out fame to rank up my current setup, but I’m going to not be active as much for a bit due to work, possibly until Xmas… might try and catch up over the break as I be able to do some odd hours gaming then :grin:
If you guys are on matrix/element add me and I’ll set up a room, I feel like we’re spamming the forum with non Linux stuff haha

oh I did manage to pug a dungeon I stumbled across in one of the IV zones, 2 dps and me healing… was ok, I have a bit to learn but enjoyed it.

Here’s a screenshot, in Manjaro i3 not that you can tell fullscreen lol.

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matrix room set up:

You're invited to talk on Matrix or search for DLN on rooms and it will show up.

Will keep our inane nerd chat (and unrelated to linux specifically) away from this thread unless we actually want to share something here on occasion I guess?
If the DLN crew wanted to bridge to a Discord channel I guess that could be a thing, but I’m trying to discourage proprietary silo usage so :man_shrugging:

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Albion is a Linux compatible game, you’re very welcome here. Whatever platform works best for you guys. If you’re going the Discord route i’d recommend advertising here now and again so you can get new players.

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Definitely! I was just thinking that chit chat stuff might be easier on a messaging platform :blush:

So it’s there if anyone wants to use :slightly_smiling_face:

Small update: we now have a guild island and guild hall. One laborer is already on site. Chests are available for placement.
Travel is free from Lymhurst. I think you have to pay a fee if you want to travel to the island from other cities.


So fun story, I was playing this back when it first came out for a good few months. Made it to T5/T6 in a few areas. Apparently I was breeding Direwolves with my wife. I’d like to get in on this action.


Also apparently I have a specter wolf skin worth like 12M. So that’s cool? Lol. Is anyone playing this?