Albion Online Get Together

Thanks for the info about PK. I’ve crafted T3 materials too and for now, i’m staying in the safe zones as well. I’m not ready to venture out into the yellow zones.
Take it one step at a time, i guess. In the time that i’ve been online, i’ve been invited into guilds already, but it looks to me that it was a means to get more money for the guild. (aka: no communication with other members). So i left and am for now, going solo.
Untill we have our own, that is. :slight_smile:
The chat for me is cryptic, to say the least. I haven’t had the time yet to decipher it all, but in good time, i’ll get the hang of it.
Main focus is to have fun, get to know the game and level up.
There are some things you can’t do without premium status, but i don’t mind that for now. I don’t even know if i’ll ever go premium. I’ll see when i get there.


I’m willing to contribute whatever I can for our guild seed. I guess I’m gonna have to start gathering and crafting for the purpose of selling to gain silver faster. I’m thinking going the expedition route is the fun choice from my point of view. I guess we can still do PVP sometimes anyway when we’re feeling competitive.

I’m still at T3 and taking it slowly. You guys are fast.

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Yay! Great to hear that.
I don’t know if there’s any way to set up a joint account or anything like that. I’d have to look into that.
I’ll do that later on and let you know.
I’m not that fast you know. I also take it easy.I’m at T3 right now and happy to be in the green zones.
Remember, the main thing is having fun while playing the game.
If you want speed, you’d have to go Premium. That way, you get learningpoints without even doing anything. That’ll speed up things quite nicely.
But for now, i don’t know enough of the game to start a premium account. I’m happy just the way things are at the moment.
Maybe, at a later stage, i’ll go premium.
PVP for me is for a later stage.(aka, when i have the equipment to go PVP). I think that if i would go to battle right now, it would be over very very soon. :crazy_face: And i’d be some supply shorter.
But that’s something i’m keeping my eye on too.


I’ve just taken a look at how much it will cost to start a guild at this point. A staggering 94.000 silver. :crazy_face:
That’s quite bonkers, if you ask me. So for now, i’m going to keep on grinding, keep leveling up and see what happens. (I think the higher your level gets, the easier it will become to harvest more silver).
We’ll see what happens.

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T3 here, have some stuff I can Learn into T4 but am unsure how much I want to sink into crafting. That and after this weekend I’m screwed for time with work for a few weeks but will get on when I have time to decompress. Sounds like everyone has similar plan at this stage. :+1:

From what i’ve read so far, crafting seems to be a very big thing in Albion. You can even earn a fine amount of silver, doing so. This might mean that you have to resort to being a travelling salesman.
The markets in Albion are not connected. Items can gather a fine price if they’re not on the market in a particular city. (If i understand the mechanics correctly).
For now, my plan is as follows: grind grind grind… Get resources and silver.
Tier up and get silver. (Don’t know yet exactly how, but i’m going to see what the markets can do for me).
We’ll see you ingame when you get there.

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I just recently learned that getting silver is easy cause there will be people who buy what you sell on the market. As long as we gather lots of resources, we’ll get the silver for starting a guild within a week if we work together. I think I made the most with just limestone out of all the resources I sold. All we need is to grind a bit. My silver is already at 20k after selling for a day. I’ll be gathering and selling more to help with starting the guild.

Woow! That’s great! That’s a lot more than i thought was possible. I don’t know if i’ll fetch the same, but i’ll certainly give limestone a go. There are good amounts to found in the woods surrounding my startersvillage, so that’s a bonus.
I haven’t had the time yet to find out if we can pool resources to create a joint fund. It would be nice to do, because that way we’d get our guild sooner, but like i said, it needs a bit of research. I’ll keep you posted.

Small update: about the market: you’re right! I’ve made a fine amount since i’ve started out using the market. I’m allmost halfway the total amount needed to get a guild together… Wel’’ get there yet. :smile:

I have 45k now. Is that enough? Can we finally create that guild?

So i’m afraid not. We need 94K and i’d not be surprised if you would need a minimum of 30 days premium. I don’t know for sure about that last one. Like i said, i’m around 30K right now. Whoever gets there first, gets to start the guild. I’ve read that you can pool resources among your other characters, but not among other players. So if you get to to 94K ahead of me, by all means, start up the guild! Meanwhile, i’ll keep grinding and collecting untill i get there. Ok for you?

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Small update: I’m about 65K right now, so i’m allmost there. I’m hoping to get there this week or next. That market is really working. Crafting and gathering really helps the bank account.

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Gentlemen, the guild has been created! :crazy_face:
Yesterday i finally gathered enough silver to go ahead and create one.
It’s called DLN_Warriors. The crest is in the colors of the DLN logo with two crossed swords.
@leftybournes: you’re invite has been sent. I’ll make you an officer, along with @swansinflight. (joined yesterday). Right now, we have 3 members.
So go out, recruit and spread the message.

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Awesome! I’ll be donating silver to the guild when I get in. I don’t remember receiving an invite. Can I get it again? My character is a tank build I guess. broadsword + shield + plate armor.

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The moment i get online, i’ll resend the invite. We’ve set the guild tax to 10%, so you’re already donating, the moment you start fighting mobs, other players, etc…
Snott/@swansinflight pointed out that we needed the silver first to gear up. We can raise the guild tax later if we need to.

Kdeleteme, it seems that i can only invite you when we’re both online. (or @swansinflight) should be online at the time. He can recruit as well.
Could you let us know when you’re going to be online? We’ll have to figure out the time zones, but that shouldn’t be a problem.

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I’ll likely be online later at 8pm UTC+8. I usually get online at that time every night for at least an hour.

:grimacing: If i understand the time difference correctly, (+8), that would be 13:00h where i am. That also means that i’m still at work. :nauseated_face:

Could you manage upcoming saturday or sunday (28 or 29th november) around 6pm (your time)?
That would be around 11:00h for me.

Or @swansinflight, what’s your timedifference?

Saturday 6pm here works for me. I’ll see you then.

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I’m New Zealand; UTC+13 over summer (another 5 months I guess?), so 8pm (+8) is 1am for me. We’ll catch up at some point :grin: