What distro are you running?

I’m using Kubuntu, Zorin OS and Mint at the moment. Not sure which I really like the best. Using Zorin OS on a project to teach Cub Scouts about Linux, programming etc. as Zorin OS has Veyon computer management software already installed. It also has Scratch 3 desktop installed and working.


Just got into ArcoLinux, and it’s a treat. Erik Dubois has some great learning tools for ArcoLinux → Arch. Having a great time learning the different phases of Arco (admittedly started on ArcoLinuxD, and now on ArcoLinuxB).

Running ArcoLinuxB with i3 wm and my first go with polybar


Hmm… Seems things have changed a bit… I’m running Kubuntu on everything at the moment.

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Mostly my standard MX-19 on everything… except

  1. the the Ideapad that has had Peppermint 9 on it’s 120GB SSD since Pepp 9 came out. That machine and Pepp 9 just keeps on chugging along.
  2. the Thinkpad X230 with 6 partitions/distros I used to do side by side comparisons (MX-19, Debian/Bullseye, Sparky (6), ArcoLinux, EndeavourOS and Manjaro) - I’ve been messing with Manjaro this week
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My current main machine runs Debian Buster with MATE desktop. I have also recently got laptop with hybrid graphic, and I’m trying Manjaro KDE on it, not sure if hybrid graphics are working though but all the required drivers seems to be installed. Eventually it will become my main machine but not sure if I will keep running Manjaro. The only reason I tried it in first place is that I couldn’t figure out hybrid graphics in Debian.
I also have old laptop in my garage gym to write down my training sessions, and I use Peppermint on that one.

I also recently got a laptop with hybrid graphics (Intel/Nvidia) and I’ve found Pop!_OS 19.10 to be quite good with that. It’s Ubuntu-based with a special package called “system76-power” that handles the hybrid graphics well. Just a heads up.

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Thanks. I know of popOS and how good they are with hybrid graphics and Nvidia drivers in general. Not a fan of Gnome 3, and also wanted to try something not based on Ubuntu.

My Host OS is a minimal install of Ubuntu 19.10 running Virtualbox and booting from ZFS.

I moved all my activities to VMs and for VMs I use:

  • Xubuntu 18.04 for office, email, torrents, etc,
  • Ubuntu 16.04, exclusively for banking,
  • Ubuntu Mate 19.10, for app try-outs,
  • Windows XP to play my CDs/LPs with WoW and TrueBass effects
  • Windows 10 for a Dutch TV Viewer.

I also have 6 Ubuntu 20.04 family members in VMs.

I’m proud of the Conky read out with my 3 ZFS datapools with their corresponding datasets. Also see the size and hit-rate of the L1ARC cache in cyan and pink.

My Host OS takes care of the adaptation to the hardware, ZFS, work-spaces and monitors, while the VMs are optimized for their current workflow. No compromises between hardware support and workflow.

I’m currently running PopOS 19.10, and have been for a couple of weeks since I got my new laptop. Before that was Fedora 31 for a few months. So far I’m really digging Pop. I didn’t expect to because (like many others I’d wager) I just saw it as an unnecessary re-branding of Ubuntu. There’s more to it than that, and because of that I think I’ll keep it for a while.

personal main PC - Arch with Gnome + fallback Ubuntu 19.10 in case Arch breaks
personal laptop - Debian Testing Gnome because I love reporting bugs and if Debian breaks, it can still boot!
PC @ work - Xubuntu 19.10 (not Hi-Dpi screen)

I have been using Linux Mint Cinnamon since late August last year. Still climbing the steep learning curve hoping to explore more of the Linux world as my limited spare time allows.

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Well, my time with Manjaro has come to an end. I have distro-hopped over to Solus.

The Solus install has to the be easiest, fastest, smoothest I’ve ever experienced. I really surprised to see every application I use was in their repo. That’s another first for me.

I’m happy with it so far.

Currently on Debian with xfce+kwin and Endevour OS with lxqt+kwin, and with bspwm on both.
I also have Pop!_OS installed for when things get hairy.

I started out with with Ubuntu, and was on 10.4 for a long while. Then I got a new(old) laptop and had windows 7 on which I used for along side the Ubuntu Desktop. Then I had Manjaro budgie on the laptop for some time. When I got my current desktop I first put Manjaro KDE on there. Had that until Manjaro bit the dust, switched to Pop! ran that a year, then changed it for Debian, and a little while ago added Endevour.

  • What distro are you running?
  • How long have you been using it?
    2-3 years
  • Do you plan to stick with it?
    Took me a while to find home and this is it.
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As @JasonEvangelho says, “Welcome home.” :slight_smile:

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I’ve had Regolith on my laptop, desktop, and work laptop for the past few months and love it. I also have an OpenSUSE partition (with i3) on my desktop (with i3) and a Fedora 30 (with KDE and i3) on my work laptop.

  • What distro are you running?
    Kubuntu 20.04
  • How long have you been using it?
    1 week (I hop too much)
  • Do you plan to stick with it?
    Yes and I really hope I do, however previous experience tells me I will not. I will stay on 20.04 until it is released at the very least.

I’ve been gravitating towards Plasma over the past few years and 5.18 has rounded out the last few sharp edges I was getting stuck on in the past.

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  1. Depends on the machine :smiley:, right now I’m running Ubuntu MATE 19.10 (daily driver), Solus 4.1 GNOME (intel NUC), Ubuntu 20.04 (Test Machine), Ubuntu Cinnamon Remix 20.04 (Test Machine), Pop!_OS 19.10 (with Unity), and Kubuntu 20.04. Likely going with Ubuntu 20.04 or Pop 20.04 for daily driver when it is released in April.

  2. Ran Ubuntu from 2008-2018 until I started distro-hopping and landing on all of the above. Been using Kubuntu (in VMs for ~8 years, on hardware ~2 years), Solus (~1.5 years), Pop (over a year), Ubuntu Cinn (~4 months), and Ubuntu MATE (~2 months).

  3. With the improvements to GNOME, I will likely return and stick to Ubuntu or Pop for the foreseeable future. If the Pop Shell extension for window tiling is as good as their other stuff, will likely be there.

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Been on Manjaro with i3 since 2017. Before that I was using kubuntu for about 10 years. Will stick with manjaro and i3 for the forsee able future. Just because of productivity and the work flow it enables me to use.

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7 years
Absolutely !

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