Favorite games on Linux?

I like to play a lot of games but recently I have been having a lot of fun playing Stepmania (Flathub) and Osu!Lazer (AppImage), they are both rythem games.

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ATM I´m swtching btween Battle Field V, WarThunder - Groundforces, Company of Heroes 2 and GuildWars 2.

I recently ran through Dragon Age Inquisition and that was a ton of fun. I am currently playing Remnant from the Ashes as well as Sea of Thieves. There are quite a few solid Dawn of War games out there that will run. Warhammer 40,000 Gladius: Relics Of War has a linux built option and is very enjoyable. Think civilization meets 40K. Except your only avenue to victory is destruction of your enemies, or barring that you can complete the story missions while fending off enemies. The Witcher 3 works well on Linux too. Hell this list can go on lol! I will stop there for now though. I have had no shortage of games that work with Linux lately.

I can second this. I picked up the 310 somewhere and have used it without a hitch in both Linux native and Steam games. Also have used it for RetroPi as you mentioned, no problems out of the box.

Does LibreOffice count as a game if you REALLY REALLY find yourself having a lot of fun playing around with it?!?

So, now that you have a background on how boring of a person I tend to be, no surprise that AisleRiot solitaire, gweld, and freesweep (yes, the CLI version) never cease to amuse me while I am waiting for a process to finish.

But on this note, I do believe I remember hearing about a certain linux distro whose INSTALLER supplied a version of tetris to play while you waited for the files to copy over. I do not know WHY this is not a thing even today! I’d much rather play a short fun game during an install than watch a slideshow of “all the apps that I could install on my distro.”

Recently I´ve finally managed to get Battlefield V working really well with good performance and smooth gameplay. So it has been a lot of BF V.
Other than that, still Company of Heroes 2 and Warthunder - Groundforces.

Been having fun with Elite Dangerous!! Any Cmdrs here? o7

I haven’t played that game in a long time. I do have an in-game faction named Late Night Murder Hobos. It is still active if you want to check them out.

I got really burnt out in the game and very frustrated with how the Frontier has continually nerfed the game over the years. The most frustrating part is that the game has a lot of potential, but not as long as Frontier owns it.

But, don’t let me stop you from enjoying the game. I played everyday for a solid 3 years and was heavily engrossed in the BGS.

Minecraft for me! Runs exceptionally well, and tons of fun. Second after that is CS:GO :smiley:

Ayy a fellow 40K fan! I love that franchise.

I was recently visiting family, and showed my young nephew “BurgerSpace”, which is a clone of the classic Intellivision game “Burgertime”. The gameplay is very challenging! This is a good game for kids.

Burgerspace installs easily in the Linux Mint Software Manager.

I use RetroArch and MAME a lot, mainly to play fighting games! But recently I tried Xonotic and loved the fact that it feels like Unreal and Quake 3! As far as other games go, I love the Legend of Heroes series, and I need to finish Trails in the Sky FC.

Been running puters since 1996 and Linux since 1998.Never played a game…maybe once on an Airplane on a Lenovo pad…Android. Looked like ping-pong tennis…gave it up after 10 minutes

I play Skyrim then Oblivion then Skyrim…

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I used to play Skyrim… now I just play modding-Skyrim. There’s less action but you get to dream about what it would be like to play if all 100+ mods worked together. Totally worth it imho.

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  1. COH 1&2
  2. Subnautica
  3. Crusader Kings
  4. 0ad

And some others i’ve forgot but are in my library. I gave up on Albion some time ago.

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Running through Dragon Age Origins currently. I played a lot a long time ago and after playing Inquisition (DA 3) last year I wanted to go through all episodes in a row. Those solo action rpg are still my favorite kind of game.

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I could name a lot of games, but one of my favorites are:
Cave Story+
Screencap from Cave Story+
Portal 2

and VA-11 HALL-A

I’ve been playing some MAD satisfactory lately with their new update.

But also some Rimworld and some Hard space shipbreaker

never lets the corgis use the bathroom,

Skyrim is the neverending cycle of “want mor mods” and buying it on another system, granted, I was never able to get in and enjoy it.

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Definitely Terraria.

I am ready to play this game the whole my life :smiley:

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