What is your favorite shell? Why?

Tilix since a few weeks, because it offers tiling windows within the main window.

I like to use bash. Iā€™m pretty sheltered in the shell world, and I canā€™t think of a time, use case, or desire to try anything other than bash. Iā€™m not against other shells, and I bet there are some great ones. Most places I look, much like vim, bash is there and available. So, I just stuck with it. Scripting, tools, and utilities allow me to move mountains worth of data in comparison to GUI methods, and I feel much more rewarded by engineering a solution with documentation to share as resources.

It is also minimal. This is perhaps the biggest draw for me. Itā€™s chill and non-distraction. It sits there and blinks, and it doesnā€™t agitate psychic unrest. Yes, because it is minimal.

Unlike windos 10, Bash is a cornerstone of technical prowess. Bash is replicated tech from the 70s that just doesnā€™t go away. Aside from being popular I would add agile and respected.

I like fish because itā€™s easy to configure colour schemes and the prompt. Automatic completion also helps.

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You didnā€™t list my favorite as an optionā€¦ Gnome-Shell! :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: (Or does that count?)

I guess Iā€™ve just used Bash, because thatā€™s what comes default on most everything Iā€™ve used thus far. But Fish sounds pretty cool to me, and likely something Iā€™m going to have to explore a lot more.