What Does Linux Mean To You? Steam Key Giveaway!

Linux gives me the ability to make my computing my own, with the ability to do whatever I want with the code. But Linux also gave me a community to meet and interact with all kinds of folks!


Linux allows me to help educate others about what choices they have in their life. Whether it’s a student, or a parent, or anyone else I interact with, Linux has given me a voice and a message, and an alternative to closed-source operating systems.


total control freedom no restraints


Opportunity, equality, accessibility

Poor, rural, old hardware it doesn’t matter. Gives same access to technology and modern software and ability to learn and contribute. Breaks down the digital divide (it’s real).


Linux allowed me the opportunity to learn and grow at the age of 57, when I first started. I turn 65 at the end of September and I can’t believe the doors that opened for me, and the improvements made in my professional life. Thank you Linux!


Being limitless! I can do whatever I want, however i want, whenever i want to do it, and no one other than me can choose MY PERSONAL EXPERIENCE.


When I started using linux at about the same time that windows started requiring activation I had a licence or two but I also had quite a few pcs, I was constantly upgrading parts swapping parts and breaking activation. I didn’t mind having to buy licences but I did mind having to explain to some poor helpline person why I couldn’t automatically activate and yes its only on one pc but some of that pc used to be in another pc.

Many years later I am down to one pc and a couple of laptops, each still has Linux and none have windows although I do use it for work. Now I do it for the choices on offer, the feeling of being special and the feeling of having beaten the system. In a world where our choices are being taken away by the big corps, Linux gives back hope, there is a better way.

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A couple of folks who won this already had the game. So I’m going to just put the key out there and first person to claim it wins =)

Hollow Knight: Here is your key: 236V2-4JQ2N-8JI5Q


I’m a bit surprised this wasn’t claimed after 12 hours… Well… Thanks! I’ve heard good things about hollow knight so I’m looking forward to playing this :grinning:.


Well tbf when you post a steam key in a huge group you just kinda assume some one has taken it lol :joy:

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Sure… as did I, but I thought it can’t hurt to try :grin:

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Glad to see it’s gone to a good place.

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