What Does Linux Mean To You? Steam Key Giveaway!

Freedom of choice.


The freedom of choice, the possibility of collaboration, and it’s open source. It’s all around you. What more would you want?


linux is:
a frustration that I can find no fit for in my life.
the sand with which the glass that breaks in my hand is made from.
is a dare to be ok.
is a craving for validation
is freedom in a guilded cage.
a wall that I can find no time or care to breach or climb
a people who are enjoyment, that don’t fit into my puzzle
an answer to an unforgiven question
another terror in my mind


“A sweet frustration” pretty much sums it up, doesn’t it.

I love the already expressed ‘freedom’ statements, as it DEFINITELY is that.

I love the variations and creativity driven by passion that results in so many distributions, re-spins, and branches.

I love the open-source nature that protects this universal investment we call ‘projects’. (Like a great software lab that has no lock or key on the door… anyone can come in and tinker, play, or build.)

I love the power of passion present in each of the tools I discover in the repos. (And I STILL can’t believe these are free!!!)

I love the communities that pour their creative talents and helpful spirits into lifting each other up. This key element overcomes impossible situations and resolves insurmountable obstacles.

Linux made computers fun for me again. I love that. It’s a constant learning conquest, and conquering problems by gaining understanding leaves a very palatable taste of accomplishment for me.

Linux is a sweet frustration.


the free software operating system ready for daily use.


I love the community!

If i ever need help with my system and don`t find solution in the wiki, i always get help from someone.

And I never have to wait for a long time to get help, and I always get help until the problem is fixed.


The DLN forum is a really good example of that culture, hope we get your question next time :slight_smile:


Linux makes your computer -your- computer. I like it


GREAT community, developers, contributors. It has been a great path of growth and opportunities. I am so glad to part of such a great community. I just got my Linux + cert recently and am excited to move towards more open solutions now, and in the future


I love the fact that Linux puts the personal back into Personal Computing


Linux for me means taking back control and freedom.

No more pushed windows update or failed one

Freedom to choose your distro and customize it to your needs and like

Community help and driven progress.


Honestly speaking, for me linux stands for freedom and choice
you are free to run both foss and proprietary applications/drivers (depending if they are available for your distro)
and also Linux is completely free from spyware like windoze.
The best part? a lot of stuff is actually far easier to do on Linux, for eg you need to just type 1-2 commands to install some new software


Linux to me means Freedom, choice and peace of mind. Linux is about being able to trust that my OS is working with my interest in mind. You can use whichever version you want, do what you want with it, change it to suit your needs and share any changes you made with other people.


To me, Linux means Freedom of choice and Freedom from control or spying. If I want to boot up an old machine from floppy, and use it as a firewall and router - Linux can do that. Or if I want a fully loaded video content editor environment - Linux can do that, or anything in between those extremes. It’s even getting better at handling games written exclusively for Windows. While other operating systems will spy on you, sending back usage data and telemetry even if you try to prevent it, for the most part, Linux distributions honor your privacy choices.


I love not having to work on my computer everyday OR being able to do anything i want with it. Freedom, i guess is what you could call that.


To me, it means community, freedom, and innovation!


I’m gonna echo the people above. The Linux community is great! Also, I love being able to run it on low spec machine. Also, I love being able to do whatever I want with it. Yeah I really like Linux.


The community and being able to use my computer the way I want


Linux means I can own my own hardware after I paid for it. The OTHER OS’s want to decide for me how I can use my machine. If we would never buy a car that we couldn’t drive where we want, why would we ever do the same for our computers?


Linux lets me use computers on my own terms. Freedom of choice!

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