What distro are you running?

Still Kubuntu on my desktop.

I had EndevourOS on my laptop for a while, but I got fatigued by the rolling release model, mostly because Pandoc, software I maybe use once a month, can get updated multiple times a day because of updating Haskell libraries. I guess rolling releases aren’t for me, so I now use Debian stable (with KDE, naturally) on the laptop.

Welp, three months later I’m still on PopOS. Crazy that on a System76 laptop it was designed for, it just works. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ve never used an Arch distro for any length of time. I tried EndevourOS after it first came out, but only played around for a few weeks. I use Pandoc every week, and it has a lot of dependencies to get PDF documents from markdown files. I never thought of that, how many updates I would have if I ran an Arch distro regularly based upon the main packages that I install. Currently running Fedora and MX Linux and Pandoc doesn’t get a ton of updates on either of those systems.

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Still on Pop OS (it’s been 3 months now) and it’s indeed a great distro for a gaming laptop. It gets out of your way and is easy to switch between power and graphic configurations.

I tried a bunch of distros on that beast and even if I’ll continue to try things out on another partition, Pop will definitely stay the main OS.

I’ve been using Pop OS for well over a year, I do plan to stay with it. Before that I used Manjaro for a couple of years. Before that many other distros back to 2005ish.

Hey and welcome! What made you switch from Manjaro to PopOS? And what was the KDE → Gnome switch like if you did that too?

Hi Thanks for asking. One thing that drew me to KDE was the ability to configure everything, and i did and kept breaking it. I’m not blaming Manjaro for this but I kept breaking things and spend as much time tweaking breaking and fixing as I did using the system. One day I decided to go to gnome as I thought it would be a bit more stable and less tempting to tweak. I chose Pop pretty randomly. I can still tweak a bit but the layout is pretty much what I wanted and Pop Shell tiling I find perfectly matches what I want. Its also nice to go back to apt.


The choice wasn’t actually random, I tried out lots of DEs and distros before choosing Pop

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I’m currently early in my Linux adventure (switched in Oct)… I’m still distro hopping but I gotta say I like the Manjaro XFCE I am currently running. I’ve tried Kubuntu, Lubuntu, Puppy, Mint & Ubuntu and I liked them all to be honest.

I’ve got multiple machines so I still plan to try some other distros but my daily driver will be Manjaro.

  • What distro are you running?
    KDE Neon
  • How long have you been using it?
    2 years
  • Do you plan to stick with it?
    Yes. KDE feels like home with stable Ubuntu base.
  • Manjaro i3
  • Been using it for 3 Years
  • Yes. It’s now configured for my needs and usage patterns, with all the packages that I need. Nothing more or less. And it’s blazing fast on my T440s.
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  1. My distro is Ubuntu 21.04 Beta, because of OpenZFS 2.0 and its persistent L2ARC (SSD cache), otherwise I would still be on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS.
  2. First meeting in 2005, using a PC magazine’s CD and I used it for one month on a leftover Pentium II. I dual booted on my new 2008 laptop between Windows Vista and Ubuntu 8.04 LTS. After retirement in 1-1-11, I completely switched to Ubuntu 10.04 LTS.
  3. I intend to stay on Ubuntu and ZFS and because both are boringly reliable :slight_smile: As a retired designer of Air Traffic Control systems I have a crunch on reliable software.
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  1. Solus 4.2 with Budgie and Gnome 40 because why not!?
  2. Been using Solus now for 2-3 years? Math is hard.
  3. So some of the stuff Solus does under the hood has got me hooked like the quick speed of up and down times, and their integration with Steam as well as the work they do for making the graphics software readily available. I’ve installed Manjaro XFCE, KDE Plasma, and Fedora 34 alongside it, but I kept coming back to Solus and now rarely log into those partitions. In my experience with Blender and video games, things “just work” under Solus and I have to struggle with other distros (perhaps user error).

The other thing I’ve come to treat with reverence is the “Raven” drawer that Budgie has. It has an amazing way of managing the sound for the DE. I can hot swap during any input from any source and it will never lose the input or sources. I have no idea how they do it. I have tried to replicate this with Pavucontrol on several other distros, but Budgie (not even Gnome 40) just nails it.

UPDATE of Oct 2019. Minimal Install of Ubuntu 21.04 with OpenZFS 2.0. I use Ubuntu since 2008.

  • Desktop Ryzen 3 2200G (16GB); 512GB nvme; 1000+500GB HDDs with 128GB sata-SSD as cache for the HDDs. Two datapools; one of two striped 500GB partitions and 1 single 500GB partition.
  • Laptop i5 2520M (8GB): 2TB HDD; waiting for drive caddy to replace DVD; Ubuntu 21.04 with OpenZFS 2.0.

Both boot and run from ZFS and both run the exactly same Virtualbox Virtual Machines:

  • Xubuntu 20.04: Torrents, WhatsApp, Email, KDE-Connect
  • Ubuntu Mate 20.04: Encrypted by Virtualbox for Banking & Paypal exclusively!
  • Ubuntu Studio 20.04: Multimedia stuff
  • Ubuntu 20.04: Experiments
  • Windows 10

Backup Server Pentium 4 HT (3.0GHz, 2GB): FreeBSD 13.0 32-bits, boots and runs OpenZFS 2.0 for 1 hour/week; 2 datapools; one with 2 striped HDDs; 2 x IDE 3.5"; 320+250GB and the other with 2 striped HDDs; 2 x SATA-1, 2.5"; 320+320GB
Only two cables: Power and Ethernet 1 Gbps (effectively ~200 Mbps with 95% CPU load). Used since June 2019. Controlled by SSH or RDP (with FreeBSD conky display)

I’m still running Pop OS on both my desktop and Tuxedo laptop and Ubuntu Mate on My Lenovo.

Manjaro Cinnamon since 2014 on my laptops, and work and personal desktops. Plasma would be my fallback if Cinnamon every got discontinued :stuck_out_tongue: At least at this point. I use Plasma on a Kali machine at work I spend a bit of time in.

In the past I’ve used quite a few and Mint was one of my favorites starting out. But I got annoyed with PPAs and kind of outgrew it. That’s not a knock on it. I still install that on some systems for other people. I went with Cinnamon after Gnome2 b/c it flowed with how I worked the best. KDE was too bloated back then though now it’s not so it’s second on my list ( right now ). Gnome3 was not good and now, they’re more about injecting woke politics into their little world than trying to grow the Foundation, so na. Tried a couple of tiling window managers and I’m like half comfortable with them. Maybe as my time slowly builds up I’ll switch to one of those, who knows

CentOS at work though I’ve begun migrating to Alma, which is pretty painless.

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I just saw the results of this thread in the notes of the latest episode. I was surprised to see no Gentoo users. I’m a Gentoo user and actually started listening to this podcast because Zeb used it and would occasionally talk about it.

I’m also a bit disappointed to see no Slackware users.

@DasGeek’s working on a new poll i’m really looking forward to.

It’ll be cool to see how things have changed and a lot of people here said things like “i’m planning to try out X in X days” which I didn’t count but they may have switched.

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This thread captured my switch to KDE and Kubuntu.

Also I can play Skyrim on Linux now :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:, but haven’t played it for quite some time.

I never touched Gentoo and I think I do not plan to but I installed Slackware once and even used SalixOS for a bit. I am actually waiting to see Slackware 15 to be finally released.