This Week in Linux 102: Inkscape 1.0, Fedora 32, Ubuntu Flavours, Pop!_OS, Red Hat, openSUSE & More

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On this episode of This Week in Linux, we have SO MUCH DISTRO NEWS! In fact, we’ve got news from Fedora, PopOS, Red Hat, openSUSE, and a follow up for the Ubuntu 20.04 release. Last week, I said we’re going to give the official Ubuntu Flavours an extra week to discuss their 20.04 releases since…


When did “Long Term” become a mere 3 years? (This is a rhetorical question.) The rate of change in technology is outpacing my ability to comprehend the changes. Some days I seriously consider quitting my job and getting rid of all my tech - maybe join the Amish.

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You could try something like debian.

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I know you said rhetorical but Ubuntu Flavours are 3 years because they are not maintained by a company. It is technically possible for flavours to adopt the 5 years that Ubuntu does but it is not often done due to how much extra work that would be.

I think desktop usage shouldn’t be too long where as servers / enterprise worksttions totally should be longer and they are in most distros including Ubuntu.

Thanks @MichaelTunnell for another very informative episode :slight_smile: I don’t use Ubuntu much, though I do have the main release in a VM. I also have Fedora in a VM but found of late that it didn’t upgrade smoothly from previous version, so will try a fresh install of version 32 some time soon. Will be interesting to see how the Ubuntu upgrade runs too!

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