Originally published at: https://frontpagelinux.com/articles/the-best-of-both-worlds-knome/
The Linux Desktop Environment of Your Dreams is Here! Official KNOME logo. (Credit: knome.org) For over twenty years, there have been two Linux organizations working on the desktop experience who have stood above all else: GNOME and KDE. Though once a fierce rivalry to claim the title as the de facto standard in Linux by providing…
I couldn’t get it to boot. Tried it on a macbook pro, macbook air, mac mini, and an old dell I found on somebody’s desk at work. (As you can tell, I’m a developer. :-P) Tried booting into the liveCD hosted on the knome.org website, but the checksums aren’t matching. I have reason to believe someone may have been tampering with this terrific looking project.
(Thus, I haven’t been trying to boot in on MY actual hardware.) None of the display models at Best Buy or Walmart will seem to boot from it either.
I can only assume that as this project comes to maturity, Will Smith (of going linux podcast) or Moss Bliss (Mint Cast) will review this in depth and I can make a more informed decision.
Thanks for this article! It made my day! (P.S. I LOVE the icon theme… We need an actual Icon theme like this named Random or Mismatched just for us OCD people! A very clever bit thrown in there that I found hilarious!)