Terminal Takeaway 🥡

Weather report in terminal

# Try it
wget -qO- "https://wttr.in/"
     \  /       Partly cloudy
   _ /"".-.     +22(25) °C     
     \_(   ).   ↙ 19 km/h      
     /(___(__)  10 km          
                0.0 mm         
┌──────────────────────────────┬───────────────────────┤  Sat 17 Jul ├───────────────────────┬──────────────────────────────┐
│            Morning           │             Noon      └──────┬──────┘     Evening           │             Night            │
│               Mist           │  _`/"".-.     Light rain sho…│    \  /       Partly cloudy  │    \  /       Partly cloudy  │
│  _ - _ - _ -  18 °C          │   ,\_(   ).   20 °C          │  _ /"".-.     21 °C          │  _ /"".-.     18 °C          │
│   _ - _ - _   ↙ 14-17 km/h   │    /(___(__)  ↙ 22-25 km/h   │    \_(   ).   ↓ 22-25 km/h   │    \_(   ).   ↓ 20-28 km/h   │
│  _ - _ - _ -  7 km           │      ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘  10 km          │    /(___(__)  10 km          │    /(___(__)  10 km          │
│               0.1 mm | 66%   │     ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘   0.1 mm | 33%   │               0.0 mm | 0%    │               0.0 mm | 0%    │
┌──────────────────────────────┬───────────────────────┤  Sun 18 Jul ├───────────────────────┬──────────────────────────────┐
│            Morning           │             Noon      └──────┬──────┘     Evening           │             Night            │
│               Cloudy         │  _`/"".-.     Patchy rain po…│    \  /       Partly cloudy  │    \  /       Partly cloudy  │
│      .--.     20 °C          │   ,\_(   ).   +23(24) °C     │  _ /"".-.     22 °C          │  _ /"".-.     19 °C          │
│   .-(    ).   ↙ 20-23 km/h   │    /(___(__)  ↓ 22-26 km/h   │    \_(   ).   ↓ 23-33 km/h   │    \_(   ).   ↓ 23-37 km/h   │
│  (___.__)__)  10 km          │      ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘  10 km          │    /(___(__)  10 km          │    /(___(__)  10 km          │
│               0.1 mm | 61%   │     ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘   0.0 mm | 30%   │               0.0 mm | 0%    │               0.0 mm | 0%    │
┌──────────────────────────────┬───────────────────────┤  Mon 19 Jul ├───────────────────────┬──────────────────────────────┐
│            Morning           │             Noon      └──────┬──────┘     Evening           │             Night            │
│    \  /       Partly cloudy  │    \  /       Partly cloudy  │    \  /       Partly cloudy  │    \  /       Partly cloudy  │
│  _ /"".-.     20 °C          │  _ /"".-.     +23(24) °C     │  _ /"".-.     22 °C          │  _ /"".-.     19 °C          │
│    \_(   ).   ↙ 14-16 km/h   │    \_(   ).   ↙ 16-18 km/h   │    \_(   ).   ↓ 13-21 km/h   │    \_(   ).   ↓ 7-14 km/h    │
│    /(___(__)  10 km          │    /(___(__)  10 km          │    /(___(__)  10 km          │    /(___(__)  10 km          │
│               0.0 mm | 0%    │               0.0 mm | 0%    │               0.0 mm | 0%    │               0.0 mm | 0%    │

Moon phase in terminal

# Try it
wget -qO- "https://wttr.in/moon"
                         . .   `--.	 
                         .       . `-.	 
                        .  @@@@@      `-.	 
                      @   @@@@@@@   .    \	 
                      @   @@@@@@@       . \.	 
                      @.   @@@@@@@   O      \	 
                          @@@@@@@@@@     @@@ \	 
                       . @@@@@@@@@@@@@ o @@@@|	 
                          @@@@@@@@@@@@    @@  \	 First Quarter +
                       o     @@@@@@@@ @@@@    |	 0 10:02:27
                           .  @@   . @@@@@@@  |	 Full Moon -
                       .-.     @@@   @@@@@@@  |	 6  6:23:22
                       `-'   . @@@@   @@@@  o /	 
                                @@   .       |	 
                      /  .  O    .     o   . /	 
                               .    .       /	 
                      __   .      .   .-. /'	 
                                     `-' /	 
                         o    O   .   .-'	 
                              .    .-'	 
                        .      .--'	 

Some highlights:

# ^-- So the forum colorizes this correctly

# Output a basic usage guide (check the Git for full instructions):
wget -qO- "https://wttr.in/:help"

# Weather is by IP location by default. Select a city as follows:
wget -qO- "https://wttr.in/berlin"

# You can also add URL parameters, this one selects the German language using "lang=de":
wget -qO- "https://wttr.in/berlin?lang=de"

# Get the report in JSON using "format=j1":
wget -qO- "https://wttr.in/berlin?lang=de&format=j1"

# Data rich output using "format=v2"
wget -qO- "https://wttr.in?format=v2"

Alternatively you can use curl

	-q		# Quiet
	-O -	# Output to terminal
	-qO-	# ^ these combined

wttr.in is a Web API wrapper for delivering output from the included wego project. Check out the projects below:

wttr.in (wego as a web service)
