Pi-Hole Network-wide Ad Blocking

There are different lists that pi-hole uses for DNS blacklisting.

Here is some info:

This is done through the webUI now, but the background info is good to read.

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I’ve been using PiHole for quite some time now. It’s very effective at what it does (sometime too effective, requiring me to whitelist sites so that my wife can get to her shopping ads via Google searches).

I have all my network devices using the PiHole as their DNS server. The PiHole in turn forwards it’s DNS requests to my router, which is setup for CloudFlare for DNS queries.

I also use the PiHole device for local DNS services as it’s running DNSMASQ and can easily serve up hostnames for your local devices (i.e. any servers or perhaps IOT devices you want to access via local hostnames and domains).

I don’t think they want you using Google search, in part due to tracking Google does across many platforms, and web sites.