Outdoor RTSP camera recommendations?

I’m trying to help my daughter set up a barn camera, something that will let her keep an eye on a pregnant mare nearing the “due date.” I’m trying to locate a reliable outdoor “security” camera that:

  • DOESN’T hook up to some central database or require such annoying software. All she needs is simple RTSP to keep an eye on the horse from the house, and to run the camera’s feed to YouTube (where others help her during the night hours of the “due any day” period. She’ll be connecting to a Linux laptop running OBS.
  • Can run via POE. This almost essential. Dual options for power (direct and POE) might be considered a plus.
  • The more reliable the brand, the better.

Thanks in advance.

For this type of in-house security, I have used Dahua. No outside accounts need to be establish. POE. Plug up the camera. Get the IP address and start viewing. It took a little figuring out but works very well for me in a shinobi docker setup.

@MarkofCain, thank you. Three quick questions:

  1. What’s the benefit of the various lens sizes (e.g., 2.8mm, 3.6mm)? Is it safe to assume that the 2.8mm has the widest viewing angle?

  2. What few photos there are show the camera “roof” mounted. Would it work mount “vertically” on a pillar?

  3. What POE injector is recommended for it?


Yes. The 2.8 is a wider Field of View (FOV). Here is a quick video that lets you see the comparison of 2.8 and 3.6.

There is a considerable amount of movement in the turret. I think it would work on a pillar.

I used a 15 watt injector. Here is the one that I used (running for 2 years+ without a single issue):

@MarkofCain, thanks. The video made short work of the explanation.

Now to buy and see if I can beat everything into submission!