Need a static website?

I’m an accounting student, but I have a passion for open source, Linux, and programming. One of my hobbies is web design. I have been exploring static site building/ hosting, and have developed a pretty good workflow with Hugo, Git, Netlify, and as the CMS. As an example of what I can do, see my website. If anyone needs help building a static site for a blog or a basic landing page, please reach out to me.

I also have a Fiverr gig posted for this.

Is your website link working?

My bad there! The website is Unfortunately I can’t figure out how to go back and edit the link in my original post.

It’s great to see your passion for open source, Linux, and web design while pursuing an accounting degree! Your workflow with Hugo, Git, Netlify, and sounds impressive, and your offer to help others with static site-building is generous. If you’re ever interested in expanding your skills or exploring professional opportunities, you might want to look into web designing Dubai services to learn how the industry is growing in that region. Keep up the awesome work