MX-Fluxbox Puts a Shine on Old Code

by Steve (mowest)

Shame on me for taking this long to try MX Linux. My teenage son has been a code contributor to MX since before their October 2019 release of MX-19. He loved MX from his first install, but I dismissed it for my use. I have used distros based on Debian Stable and longed for updated packages. Honestly from a distance, MX appeared to be an eclectic mix of applications from different frameworks on top of a stable (dare I say boring) base of Debian and XFCE. Fedora Workstation gave me the new and shinny of Gnome 3 with their 6 month fast paced release cycle. Ubuntu Mate assembled a desktop and app selection that fits together like a beautifully tailored suit. Because I had never taken the time to run MX-Linux on my personal hardware, I just didn’t get it.

Our family’s summer vacation, a week away from home, was around the corner. I planned to bring an old laptop with Linux, but its SSD needed a fresh install. When I asked my son for suggestions of distros I should try out for a week, he suggested MX-19.2 which released at the beginning of June. At first I thought of dismissing his suggestion, but then I remembered. MX-Fluxbox had been released as a supported desktop. When I first got into Linux in the early 2000’s fluxbox quickly became my window manger of choice as I often ran older hardware that didn’t handle the heavy desktop environments as well. Longing for nostalgia and knowing that after this one week away I could wipe it and go back to a more familiar distro, I took the plunge.

After my first week with MX-19.2 spending the majority of my time in MX-Fluxbox, this unique distro will keep its SSD. MX-Fluxbox put a shine on the fluxbox code which was last updated in February 2015. Because MX-Fluxbox runs on top of the install of MX’s XFCE4 edition, you have access to the MX goodness inside of fluxbox. You can use the MX Tools, community created utilities, for system administration tasks. You have the suite of pre-installed applications to get work done inside of fluxbox.

You can’t fully appreciate MX without entering the welcoming and active community that they have nurtured. Spend time in their forum and you will discover that MX-Linux is a true labor of love. The community drives innovation. Community members roll up their sleeves to create the unique solutions that you only find in MX. The development team participates daily in the forum, and those interactions often lead them to implement the ideas of the community or mentor a community member to bring an idea into the next distro release. From my interactions with the community, I soon realized that MX application selection was not an eclectic mix, but the result of curation based upon community feedback. This leads to the inclusion of applications that offer features you may long for in the default installs of other distros. Nomacs, their choice for an image viewer, has simple editing features like cropping that I long to see in Gnome 3’s image viewer. MX wants to help users solve problems. MX Tools provide GUI utilities that fix system issues that normally involve manually editing configuration files with a text editor. MX provides a comprehensive manual to guide its users to solutions of common issues that arise as you run a Linux distro as your main operating system. Community package maintainers and testers ensure newer packages of the software you love on top of a Debian Stable base. Besides all of the goodness that MX bakes into their distro release, their active forum is filled with even more nuggets of tips and tricks.

Although I have touched on benefits that you would enjoy whether you log into MX-Fluxbox or their standard XFCE4 desktop, I want to encourage you to give MX-Fluxbox a try when you get to the login screen. Just click on the icon in the middle at the top of the screen and pick “Fluxbox”. You will find a polished introduction to a floating window manager. Applets in the toolbar will help you connect to WiFi, monitor your battery level, adjust your volume, and alert you to updates. MX-Fluxbox also comes with an application dock that you can configure with a community contributed tool. MX-Fluxbox comes preconfigured with just enough defaults so you can be productive or gradually customize fluxbox to your liking. Remember to head to the MX forum for even more tips and tricks. You will find some great ideas in the MX-Fluxbox sub forum to further customize this versatile window manager.

This post was originally published at

Original Image by Markus Spiske from Pixabay

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thank you for submitting this. I will review it soon

@MichaelTunnell, I let @Ulfnic know that you are free as the creators of DLN to do with this article as you wish. All of you are doing this in your free time, building this community. Perhaps, it is best to just accept submissions from the creators on DLN that you already have registered instead of inviting articles from the wider DLN community for FPL. I completely understand that it might be a little beyond the scope of time that DLN creators have to evaluate community submissions at this time. The DLN creators have built a positive and inviting community for people like me, but all of you have limited time and resources.

Originally, I thought that writing for FPL might be a better use of my time than starting my own blog, but I’m happy with just publishing to my own blog now that I took the last couple weeks getting it up and going. If you decide that this article is worth publishing on FPL then please include a link back to my blog where it is already published Thanks for your time and all the work you do for the DLN community.

Just finished replying to your PM, you’re a gentleman.

My fault, I posted up in the staff room a few hours ago how mod processes for time sensitive posts will be improved so this won’t be reoccurring. My wheels were a bit rusty on this first one, my apologies again.

I hope this isn’t the last time I hear about your blog, anything serving Linux is a win. :slight_smile:

Just did a quick edit adding the link to my blog site. Have a great day!

Follow up:
As there’s SEOs issues with duplicate content I can’t get this into review but future posts will be handled quickly. My apologies again not getting to this sooner @mowest

Improvements to process:
Some problems were identified such as the mailbox vastly exceeding it’s ~200 emails/day limit meaning most post notifications weren’t being received.

All future posts in this section will be reconfirmed at a weekly meeting and i’ll be tracking their general progress till they’re out of review in addition to internal tracking.

Are the SEO issues with Front Page Linux because there is a Linux++ article about MX-Linux 19.2 or are there SEO issues because I have this article published on

I don’t have my SEO set up properly on my blog yet. I just did a Google Search for the term “MX-Fluxbox” and one of my articles popped up on page 3 of the results which surprised me, but it wasn’t this article, it was the one I wrote about “Window Grouping” in MX-Fluxbox.

SEO is on my todo list for my blog along with a link to a working RSS feed. Clearly it is a work in progress :slight_smile:

If this article can’t be published on FPL for whatever reason, what do you think about promoting the articles I write on my blog with links to my site on this DLN Discourse forum? I’m not sure if that is something the moderators want since it normally revolves around the content that is produced on the DLN and on FPL.

If the article is indexable from the front page (if the link exists) search engines can read it if they haven’t done so already. A site doesn’t need to be SEO friendly for bots to crawl it.

Posting articles to the forum is up to member discretion. If it’s additive to the atmosphere it’s encouraged, if it’s leaning on the spammy side then the reverse is true. I trust you’ll gauge it well :slight_smile: