Matt's Among Us Poll | Game Sphere Live

Should Matt play “Among Us” on a Game Sphere Live stream?

  • Yes
  • Most Defiantly
  • Why hasn’t he played already?

0 voters


I love how any one of these answers is basically a Yes Matt must play it


This is a perfect written poll.


He is FAR overdue in playing this game. The world is waiting, Matt…


The first rule of UI is to not consume space with features people rarely use so the “no” option is mail-in for the 1-2 users that might really need it.

I think Matt’s been holding out for a 24-hr Among Us stream but things have been really busy so I think everyone would be ok with just 3-4 hour sessions broken up weekly.

For anyone waiting Matt’s doing what’s known as “gaming the meta” because no one suspects the guy who doesn’t play to be any good but we’ve all seen him absorbing information through memes and references which he masks through indifference so when it’s time no one will see him coming.

It’s a bold strategy Matt and if everyone can just be a bit patient and continue feeding him memes he’ll be ready when the time comes.



Your right, we are going to need to watch out for him when he finally does play.

That will happen when infinity runs into eternity, (and I dont mean from the comics )


^ how you start speaking when you’re 4 parallel universes ahead.

Among Us is passé. I’m down to watch an Elden Ring stream.

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There you are @mattdln one person not trolling you to play Among Us.

Im pretty sure @TheWendyPower that @PatPlusLinux was not saying I should do a stream of Among Us but Elden Ring. So in that case you are right his was not a troll lol :stuck_out_tongue:

Pat’s one of the smartest dudes on the network. That looks like reverse physicology to me.


lol You can stay out of this lol :stuck_out_tongue:

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I wish I could give you a HUGE high five…

::Returns impossible high five::

Matt’s a hard mountain to climb but it’s worth every step.

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Still not going to happen anytime ever lol

Well this charity stream could change that…