The planned content of this Application Appetizer was to cover VeraCrypt as well as VIM along with VIM Tutor but as things tend to go… sideways… we only had time to talk about VeraCrypt and the various rabbit trails that talking encryption, security, privacy and photography can take you. Basically, a typical night at the Linux Saloon.
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Discuss here on the Tux Digital Linux Forum:
00:00:00 Introductions
00:02:12 Shykle digging into smartphone cameras
00:13:20 Film Photograph of old
00:16:17 Social Media Grand Experiment
00:27:46 The art of calligraphy
00:37:52 AI Capabilities built into tools
01:00:22 StrawPoll VeraCrypt and VIM
01:02:38 VeraCrypt Discussion
- Veracrypt Get Started Guide: Encryption Made Easy - YouTube
01:41:51 Digital and Personal Security
01:58:22 Last Call
02:02:31 Bloopers
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