Linux Hardware Addict Tries Apple/MacOS : Series Part 2: MacOS Overview


iā€™ll never forget a friend showing off his brand new mac with its 4k monitor.
ā€¦ umā€¦ thatā€™s what he paid for it, not its resolution. :innocent:

The iCloud storage always seemed like a ā€˜consolation prizeā€™ to make up for a soldered-on hard drive that canā€™t be upgraded, or in the iPhoneā€™s case, due to no sd-card slot. I remember the frustration of my mac years when I was constantly finding myself running into this, ā€œdesign shortcomings or oversights can be rectified by the end user purchasing ________ to correct thisā€ thing.

On the other hand, its very need to see when they learn from their mistakes, and to see how much polish and features they are starting to add. Notifications area was a nice addition. Iā€™m super curious why something like proton wouldnā€™t be functional on a mac, due to itā€™s BSD underpinnings.

Keep this series up. This is very enjoyable to watch!

Thereā€™s a lot Linux could learn from exercises like this.