Kdenlive: From Beginner to Advanced Video Editing

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Late to the party here, but this is relevant to my interests. I look forward to digging into it. The only video software I’ve ever worked with is Premiere so a good primer on a FOSS alternative is great!

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KDenLive IS great! Just be aware of it’s flaws going in.

Another video editor to take a look at is Olive.

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While I am a big fan of Kdenlive, I don’t consider it a true alternative to Premiere Pro. Premiere Pro is so far beyond the functions and features of Kdenlive that its not really even close. However, I do think Kdenlive is very very powerful especially for an open source video editor. So with that in mind, I wouldn’t say expect it to be comparable but overall it is still good.

I think this is true for all of the open source options, none of them really compare to Premiere Pro. On the other hand, Linux does have the ability to use Lightworks so professional grade is available.


Very true Michael. DaVinci Resolve is also another option but it is a royal pain in the butt to get working correctly on Linux (not to mention get it running stably). And the Studio version (i.e. the paid version) is the only one that runs h.264/265 natively.

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Thanks for posting this. I hadn’t understood the purpose of the spacer tool. I was frustrated because I was trying to move many clips past the edit point and selecting them with Shift and mouse select was infuriating. This will make that much easier.

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