How do you manage your dotfiles?

I haven’t seen much discussion on this yet and I’m interested to see how community members of this network manage dotfiles.

The way I do it is with chezmoi, which integrates well with git and other version control systems. I like the way chezmoi stores dotfiles in ~/.local/share/chezmoi. I also like its templating feature when there are information you don’t want to include or for machine-specific configuration. I have yet to try out its encryption feature for private information.

How do you manage your dotfiles?


I have them in a git repo, and symlink them to their proper places.

git repo. But I don’t put all dotfiles in there. Just the ones that I might have ever hand-edited (prime example, .tmux.conf), or I know some configs are in there which are actually time-consuming to re-create in the future. Some hand-edited configs under /etc also go in this repo.

I dont actually use any of these, but chezmoi is what I am considering using based on my research and the fact that it integrates with Bitwarden somehow. I have no idea how that works yet but it sounds awesome!

I have been researching this for months, I should really put it as a Software Spotlight soon :smiley:


I heard about Yet Another Dotfile Manager from Martin Wimpress (ie Wimpy from JB / Ubuntu Podcast fame, as well as the new-ish Desktop Manager @ Canonical)

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I have some of them on Github because I shared them but they are old.

Nowadays I just make a backup of the most important once and also have some on an external drive. This is for new installs or system upgrades that may fail.

Gitlab or github