How can the forum be improved?

Some pros/cons for opt-in “New to Linux” titles.


  • Reduces barriers to asking questions. I’ve found new users can feel compelled to write a few sentences or a paragraph every time about being new.
  • Reduces read time for understanding a question and it’s context.
  • The presense of a group conveys that the forum welcomes new user questions.
  • Knowing someone is new to Linux can be generally helpful even if it’s in random discussion.


  • If a user removes their “new to linux” title, it’ll make it look like the answers to their former questions are contextually appropriate for a regular Linux user. If it’s a hackie work-around to avoid the CLI it could give other people a bad answer or compel someone else to correct/improve it later on which creates a lot of confusion.
  • Possibly people using it not as intended.