DL144 Recording Today with Special Guest: Wendell from Level1Techs

Hey everyone, we have a special guest joining us this week and that is Wendell from Level1Techs (and Level1Linux). If you are a patron be sure to join us in Zoom for the recording today at 1PM Eastern.

To learn more about Wendell: https://level1techs.com/

For the Zoom information go to the Patreon or the Kofi post for access.

Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/dl-episode-144-30804978

Kofi: https://ko-fi.com/post/DL-Episode-144--1pm-EST-Sunday-Oct-20th---LIVE-V7V415V80


To watch the unedited episode as a Patron go to:

Patreon = https://www.patreon.com/posts/30911957

Kofi = https://ko-fi.com/Blog/Post/DL144-Unedited-[Patron-Exclusive]-A0A8167F4


Thumbs up for Wendell, i am looking forward to it! :+1:

This is awesome !
Their robots/nonsense episode of this week was amazing.

Hey #Patrons,

If you would like to watch the unedited episode of DL144 it has been posted on Patreon and Kofi.

Patreon = https://www.patreon.com/posts/30911957

Kofi = https://ko-fi.com/Blog/Post/DL144-Unedited-[Patron-Exclusive]-A0A8167F4

Bad. Ass. Cannot WAIT!

Thanks everyone, really enjoyed this, as usual :slight_smile:

For users interested in mind-mapping software, I also recommend giving Freeplane a try, which I’ve been using as a crucial tool for about seven years now. It’s a fork of Freemind which at one stage was not updating frequently.

Will definitely also look at more content from Wendell and Matt. Was particularly happy to hear about Wendell’s hands-on, pragmatic approach to both hardware and software going back to pretty-much the origins of Linux :slight_smile:

That was great having Wendell and Matt on the show. I hope you can get more guests like him on the show.