Can some indicate which category I should post in?

Hello everyone :grinning:

Today this is my first post after joining o there is any mistake please forgive me. :pray:
Being new I already feel like I am a great admirer of this community and could contribute to the documentation, at least to start. I have experience teaching and in education.
I am a new member of this forum and I want to share and learn. I have participated in a number of discussions that were certainly very helpful to me & want to start anew to answer my question and learn more.

Which factors decide which category one should be placed in as well?

Thank you :pray: in advance.

Warm regards

Welcome to the forum and to the community. The categories are pretty straight forward. There are show categories, discussion categories, help categories and others. You just use whichever fits your thread best. This can’t be answered in a broad way, but rather on a case by case basis so just use whichever you think works the best and if it needs to be moved then we’ll move it but otherwise it’s probably fine.

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Thank you @MichaelTunnell for welcome and the explanation :smile: I will make sure to choose the most fitting category for my threads; If any adjustments are needed, I appreciate the help in moving them.