We’re doing a live Ask Us Anything! Please post your questions below for any of the individual creators or shows on DLN. We will be selecting from these questions and answering them live during our celebration of 30 Years of Linux on Aug 22nd.
You could ask Michael why he prefers stools over chairs?
Brandon what his favorite cellphone purchase is?
Eric, his favorite snack?
Matt, what his favorite game is?
Wendy, the funniest moment during a recording of Hardware Addicts?
Noah, what’s his favorite distro of all time?
It’s an open forum for you to ask any funny or serious questions you have.
So, even though I have been listening to DLN content since the beginning (I started with TWiL by Michael and have followed Noah since the JB days.) how did it coalesce into a combined effort and network of shows?
I mean, I am well aware of the history of JB and that was driven mostly by Chris scratching his itches but DLN does not seem to have such a central figure pushing in one direction. It is much more organic and seemingly diverse both in shows and hosts.
Anyway, I am just curious because I am pondering also where you see it all going to in another 5 years.
If you could magically create the perfect host and show with plenty of time, what would you make another DLN show/youtube channel about?
What’s your favorite recent linux community innovation, and why is it pipewire?
If you could magically create another innovation to change things in the Linux ecosystem, what would it be?
I’ve been wanting to know since it was mentioned, why did you decide to change location? It seems like a massive task, so I guess there is a real benefit, or was it something else? Or do you want to keep it private?