Akregator RSS Application Lock Up

Hello. I’m in need of some assistance. I’m using a Pine64 Pinebook Pro laptop running Manjaro 20.12 with KDE Plasma 5.20.5. Version 5.21 of Plasma is not available for Pinebook Pro yet. I’ve downloaded and installed Akregator Application using the package manager. When I launch the app, it freezes and becomes non responsive. I’ve tried removing it and reinstalling, but end up with the same freeze up results. Does anyone have any ideas or solutions? Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.


I’ve had trouble where an app would either immediately crash or lock up. The easiest “solution” is to try installing the same app as a flatpak, snap, or app image. I assume you’re installing Akregator from the repo. When Chromium was giving me problems installing it from flatpak “fixed” it.

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Does it spit out anything useful when run from CLI?

Thanks for your replies. I have reinstalled Akregator from the official repos and tried to run it from the CLI. This is the output I received:

The first run: Error loading text-to-speech plug-in “speechd”
Then It spit out 5 https:// addresses and froze there.
On subsequent runs I received an error on the CLI - Error loading text-to-speech plug-in “flite” then next 5 lines contained https:// addresses and then froze.

I try and install it as a snap since I have snap installed and see if that will work. Thanks again for the replies and help.


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