Welcome back! great show!
Awesome to see Linux’s growth, especially as a relatively newbie user. I only switched to full time linux over the whole home network only a few months ago. Had some challenges as to be expected, but there’s never been a better time to switch, and I really feel like the hard part is over for me now.
I like to think that I’m apart of that 4.45%
P.S: I would also like a copy of Ryan’s new book - take my money.
Welcome back Michael.
FWIW you seem to have forgotten Newsweek now uses AI to write stories.
In September 2023, Newsweek announced it would be making use of generative AI in its operations.[50][51] Its AI policy states that generative AI can be used in “writing, research, editing, and other core journalism functions” as long as journalists are involved throughout the process. In 2024, it rolled out an AI video production tool and started hiring an AI-focused breaking news team.[51]
So not terribly surprised.
For a good android experience, people should check out /e/ OS. It comes with privacy in mind, OOTB
So has Mac gained none of the Windows exodus?
Seem to remember not that long ago that a vote against Windows was a vote for Apple. Guess Linux is shaking up the market.