326: Immutable OS Explained: What They Are & Should You Use One?


Just a note on ostree. It is not a complete ‘duplicate’ of the system when changes are applied. It is based on git overlay where only the differences are applied., That is what atomic means. Each library/binary that needs an update, only that updated binary between versions is updated, everything else remains the same.

It is conceptually different.

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NVIDIA driver is Snap’d

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Wanting an unchangeable desktop to be changeable… isn’t that like wanting a bigger 3x5 card? If you make it any bigger, it isn’t 3x5 anymore, and if you make the immutable distro able to change out desktop environments, that kinda defeats the purpose of an immutable (static) desktop, right? There’s plenty of other distros that allow DE swapping & experimenting.

I think as Linux users, we tend to have the whole, “If you give a mouse a cookie” syndrome. :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

I very much enjoyed this episode, and appreciated you guys expanding on what ‘immutability’ means. I say the Swag store host a limited edition, “This shirt is IMMUTABLE…” (on the front) and “… but I can always change it.” (on the back) :crazy_face: :crazy_face: