279: Unity 7.6 Beta Reviewed and A Look Back at the Unity Desktop


Thanks for the Unity coverage.


Agreed. Thank you for the coverage. I do have a rather soft spot for Unity. I had an elderly family use it as her first computer and found it easy to work with. Now looking at my vision issues, the consistent design is a plus. The HUD (which when I originally used Unity never used) is amazing and I must say a major plus in accessibility. I have not tried the beta yet, I did do the Unity edition of 22.04 for testing. Damn so tempted. If it was not for the fact I am trying to use Pop! for an extended experiment on life outside my normal DE.

I will probably do a write-up on both.

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Thanks, everyone for another fun show! I’m still catching up and can’t believe I’m now more than six months behind. Hmm…

BTW I’m so confused. At the end of the show, which one’s @dasgeek and which one’s @MichaelTunnell ?! :wink:

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