Unable to open usb device while trying to control keyboard backlighting

Distribution & Version (ex: Ubuntu 18.04)
Pop!_OS 19.04

Kernel information (type in terminal: uname -A)

When did the issue start happening?
While trying to execute the msi-keyboard command

What steps do you take that cause the problem?
I’m trying to change the keyboard LED backlighting on my (msi steelseries) keyboard using msi-keyboard

After executing the command, I am prompted with cannot open usb device

The keyboard backlighting is working as it is cycling RGB colors as default. I would simply like to be able to control the lighting. I have tried sudo to no avail.

if it is anything like the Logitech 810-led utility - try using the command with sudo

Unfortunately, sudo did not produce the solution. Thank you Zeb. :+1: