Terminal Takeaway 🥡


I’ll first show you the simplicity of the code with this very simple design of a push pin for the plastic inner fender for a car. The parametric nature of openSCAD allows me to return to the code and change a variable easily and with great precision.

//  Push Rivet for Car
//  Mark Cain
//  August 22, 2020
//  Revision 0.3 //
//  Revision 0.2 // measurements in mm height=16, cone_base=14, cone_tip=6
//  Revision 0.1 // measurements in mm height=20, cone_base=15, cone_tip=5

cone_base = 14;
cone_height = 16;
cone_tip = 6;

ring_elevation = 6;
ring_height = 4;

connector_height =10;

      rotate([0, 0 , 0]){

          difference() {

              union() { // beginning of the visible union

                  cylinder(h=cone_height, d1=cone_base, d2=cone_tip);

              };  // end of the visible union

              union() { // beginning of the cut union

                  translate([0, 0, ring_elevation])
                    cylinder(h=ring_height, d=cone_base);

              };  // end of the cut union
          }; // end of project difference

          // inside column for the ring's center

          cylinder(h=connector_height, d=cone_tip+2);
      };  // end of rotate

// variables