How to answer "What distro should I use"

I came across this handy site after talking to a classmate about distributions. He iterated that there is a site called which helps users determine which distribution they should begin their Linux journey with, and I mentioned that there was a person in the DLN community working on something very similar! Hopefully this can help in the development!

This site is actually the very reason I made my site. It’s very pretty, but asks a lot of questions that aren’t newbie friendly and presents them all at the same time. edit: actually the beta is a lot nicer than the original site and presents things really well (at least on mobile). It still gave me 21 distros to check out at the end though.

A better site would be which asks a lot of the same questions my site, but I still don’t like for newbies bacasue there’s so much text before you’re even asked the questions. And even after the questions you’re given something like 10 distros to choose from.

My site is supposed to be quick and dirty. Something that someone can get in and out of within just a couple of minutes that has bite sized information. They’re told “Hey, you said you liked these specific things, try this one specific distro.” And for users who come from Windows or macOS or corporate environments, that’s all they want.

Hope this helps explain my reasonings a bit

For those that are put off Debian due to not having a nice looking app store front-end - it quite easy to rectify:
sudo apt install gnome-software

Then if you want to get rid of snaps being present in there:
sudo apt purge gnome-software-plugin-snap

Happy days.


I will definitely be adding that bit of info to the site in the future

New update to the site. Not a lot is new, but these are the changes:

  1. Removed links to Distrowatch due to it possibly being a source of information overload, plus it’s ugly
  2. Replaced said links with links to the distro’s “About” page (where they had one)
  3. Fixed a bug where “undefined” would show up just above the description. It doesn’t hurt anything, but it’s definitely not supposed to be there.

More changes are coming, including photos for each distro. If you’re running one of the distros, please create a new user, log into the account, and take a screenshot of the desktop, the start/applications menu, and the settings menu and then send them to me. It would help a lot!


AFAIK Gnome Software comes as default if you install Debian’s default desktop task, that is installing Gnome.

But then you would have to use Gnome…

I thought you meant generally. Of course you could install Gnome Software independently on other desktops on Debian. You are correct.

Small update is out, adds Peppermint OS as a result.


Another, slightly larger update in that we now have 20 distros in our pool!

MX Linux was just added today, along with some small changes to the back end that most people should not notice.

Also of note, I am currently working on another major back-end overhaul, which should add a weighted sum model, if I do it correctly.


Looking forward to weighted sum model :slight_smile: