Geometric rendering of a regular image with FOSS? (Average color fill / low poly)

Is there a special rendering technique in Krita/Inkscape/GIMP or a special online renderer that could give me roughly this geometric effect based on a normal image? Wouldn’t need to be perfect, i’m comfortable fixing it in post.


This video is pretty good:

I tried in Gimp and Krita, but they do not have the “Average” blur effect, as far as I can tell, which means that you would need to manually pick a color for each area.

Photopea works fantastic though. I did a quick test and while I obviously both suck and lack the patience for it, it is clear that it works :smiley:


I was afraid of a Photoshop solution lol. Photopea is a lot better but it’s still proprietary software requiring a Web connection. It downloads blobs within a and there’s some kind of timeout implemented that lasts something like a week unless it’s re-upped. Not my cup of tea but hats off to them for a wonderful service all the same.

I think i’m going to commit to FOSS and share my results here.

I appreciate the keyword term and the concept though, that’s going to go a long way to solving.

I did what I should have done in the first place and found this reddit thread.
They link to the plugin ofn-average-fill, that will enable the average color in Gimp :slight_smile: I haven’t tested it yet though.

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Just on Krita: Playing around the native solution appears to be:

  • Select an area using the polygon select tool
  • Menu: filter > blur > blur…
  • Set the radius to 99

From here you’re done if you want a mild gradient, for a solid color:

  • Eyedrop the center of the selection to get an “almost perfect” average
  • Select Fill and fill the area on that layer or a new one.

I wanted to draw the polys first and color in afterwards, so I started with Inkscape. After not doing particularly well, I looked it up. MUCH MUCH EASIER AND BETTER! :stuck_out_tongue:

The good thing about this being a vector editor, you can go in and add or subtract triangles afterwards and even stretch and rescale the ones that look funky.

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You may have just completely nailed it.

I’ll try this as soon as I have the free time. Big thank you Kobber.

Just wanted to add another method I found:

Average color fill on GIMP without a plugin:

  1. Select part of the picture
  2. Filters > Blur > Pixelize…
  3. Drag “Block width” slider to something very high
  4. click “OK”

For additional selections…

  1. Select part of the picture
  2. Ctrl + F

Doesn’t seem to work on Krita?

Filters > Artistic > Pixelize… doesn’t isolate the color calculation to the selected area.

So a large value will begin pulling colors from outside the selection. If the selection is made into it’s own layer it’ll start pulling transparency into the calculation. Not sure if the isolation to selection problem is solvable.