Favorite terminal applications?

  • bashmount - NCurses utility for mounting an unmounting which also handles LUKS
  • ncdu - NCurses disk usage viewer
  • ncmpcpp - Interface for mpd (Music Player Daemon)
  • pass - Stores passwords in individual GPG encrypted files
  • calcurse - NCurses calendar/planner
  • xsel - Clipboard manipulation, similar to xclip but cleaner and more sensible (imho)
  • cheat - Cheating here because it’s an alias to a curl command for me. Gives a quickie tldr on various terminal programs.
cheat (){
	curl "https://cheat.sh/$1"

Had to look that up, that’s extremely cool.

Good image examples on the github:

There’s also ueberzug which you probably know:

Is there a reason you went kitty over alacritty? I went with the later but I don’t know much about either other than that they’re GPU accelerated.

I’d be pretty stuffed without cd, Stuck at home all day unable to move!


Is there a reason you went kitty over alacritty?

When it comes to features (images, tabs, etc); kitty has them. People argue that Alacritty is faster, but it’s only marginal and only in some areas (some it’s slower). I use WezTerm (another gpu terminal) exclusively as a scratchpad since it’s suitable ootb for Newsboat and moc(p). Kitty is also just easier to type and has the coolest icon (for those that still use them).

Lolcat, thef*ck, cmatrix, micro, aafire, cowsay, pacman, and fish are my favorites most are just because I am a goof off the others are because I think they are neat alternatives to the normal(pacman, micro, and fish for instance)


I liked this one, but decided that it needed a pager. I tried pipping the output of the curl command to “less” my preferred pager, but I got garbage, so I tried “more” and that seems to work.

I put the following in my .bashrc

function cheat() {
    curl "https://cheat.sh/$1" | more

Thanks for this neat little trick @Ulfnic

I’m loving this thread. I looking for more ways to extend the usefulness of my RPi 1B that is on all the time at work since it isn’t power hungry. CLI tools rule on that 1st generation RPi.

I ran a test and those are ANSI color escape sequences that less doesn’t like parsing. I checked to see if there was a non-color mode with this:

curl 'https://cheat.sh/:help'

It seems you can add a querystring to the request to apply different options including no color. So for no color sequences with pipe into less it’d be:

cheat (){
	curl "https://cheat.sh/$1?T" | less

iperf3 for testing LAN speeds, making sure your ethernet chips and cables are good quality.

Thanks @Ulfnic for figuring that out. I’m still debating whether I prefer this over tldr since I believe you can use tldr without a connection to the Internet. cheat.sh seems to offer more information though, because the one for git was pages long.

Yeah that’s a concern. There’s an installable client i’m just a package minimalist :slight_smile:

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Hard to remember since they just get memorized or aliased. :smile:

newsboat - Great for most any selfhosted RSS service.
glances - chains over SSH, supports containers, webui and more.
Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead - playable over SSH or with graphical tiles. More modern take on nethack. Pretty ascii water effects and such.
anything from https://suckless.org/


Lately I am using cmus on a laptop and it is a fantastic program and uses vim keybindings. I think somebody already mentioned it here.

I like fd-find/fdfind and bat/batcat:

Oooo. Aaaah.

tealdeer literally replaces tldr and works a lot faster!
lsd > exa - Also lsd can totally replace ls where exa can’t.
Fastfetch > Neofetch

Anyone using Swallow or Devour? - try Gobble (I found it to be much faster).

One that I think is super awesome is asciinema!

It’s a terminal recording application!


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This one isn’t actually a CLI application itself, but a webpage that outputs in CLI compatible content for weather information. It can even generate images. It is pretty cool idea imho:

curl wttr.in
curl wttr.in/:help
curl wttr.in/"?mA1Fn"
curl --output weather.png wttr.in/"weather.png?mA1Fn"

wego is the application that produces the weather report/visuals https://wttr.in uses for it’s Web response if you want to run it locally.

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