Dungeons And Dragons anyone?

Ooh, how did I miss this topic! :grin: I have played TTRPGā€™s for about seven years, since middle school. It started when my brother and I complained to my dad that we couldnā€™t afford to buy the D&D (5e) starter set, and he gave us his old RuneQuest and The Fantasy Trip books. Having been thus awakened to the fact that there is a whole world of different RPGā€™s out there, we have accumulated quite the collection. Some of my favorites are Fate, a lightweight, generic system that makes it easy in whatever setting you please, and RuneQuest, a more rules-heavy system set in a deep and very nerdy bronze-age fantasy setting called Glorantha.


::leans out the window:: NEEEEEEEEEEEEERRRRDDDDDDSSS!!!


Very nice. I also have quite the collection these days, ranging from AD&D (Advanced Dungeons And Dragons), thought Vampire The Masqurade (old World of Darkness), the New World Of Darkness, Exalted, Fusion, all the way to the ā€œnewā€ D&D 5th edition.

Right now we are playing World of Warcraft RPG, modified to the 5e system, because itā€™s easier than the 3rd edition it is originally based on. :slight_smile:

I cut my teeth on 3.5e (and had a real blast for a few years), but Iā€™ve since lost interest in that level of crunch. 5e is probably my favorite of the official releases.

D&D is amazing! Iā€™m player in 2 games, first game has been running for 4+ years already and we are around level ten with group of six nutjobs running around our dmā€™s vast home made sandbox game and the story is really intense. We almost doomed the world to absolute suffering and armageddon after some time, but managed to fix the situation with good tactics and luck.

Second game is much shorter adventure where four adventurerā€™s face surprising horror and complex situation while trying to find some missing person. Basically headhunters and explorers in the party.

Our DM is amazing! we play the fifth edition with almost all the official modules and some home brew systems.

Is the WoW RPG modified by you, using the 3.x sourcebooks, or has someone done the heavy lifting for you?

Before the lock down, I was involved in 3 semi-active campaigns. I started playing just over a year ago. It made me fall in love with D&D, The Land book series, Critical Roll, and fantasy as a genre!
I am excited because next Saturday, one of my groups is starting up again in person.

I canā€™t wait to take my campaign off of Roll20, Iā€™ll tell you what.

Roll20 has some amazing concepts. Though, honestly, D&D online in any format is unappealing to me. I started playing D&D because it was low tech (other than my character sheet being stored on D&D Beyond).

Blizzard and Wizards (WotC) released a couple of sourcebooks for it, so it was all done for me.

The conversion to 5e was mostly me, but there was a few things in the D&D Beyond homebrew archive that was usable. :slight_smile:

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Yeah, that was me too. Since I work with and on computers professionally I used tabletop games to unplug. Unfortunately with COVID the only games I can get in on are remote though.

@DannyBoy finally created the account. Whatā€™s the news?

If there are any D&D players looking for a gameā€¦ Iā€™ll be running a number of seshsā€¦ all are welcome to join Here is the first: Find Online D&D and TTRPG Games and Groups | StartPlaying It will in reality use Foundryā€¦ :slight_smile:

I just made my savings throw vs insanityā€¦ whewā€¦ that was close. I played 2nd edition back in the day. Still love D&D! \m/ Eddie Munson!!! \m/

I just got into 5e after breaking away from 2nd edition over 20 years agoā€¦ itā€™s heavenā€¦ no thAC0! :slight_smile: Really though, much more streamlined than I remember 2nd edition being.

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One of my players is technology adverse, she doesnā€™t even own a non CRT television let alone a computer

Do they own a phone? I had to at one point with a friend who was on the road set up a conference call and patched it into Jitsi. It was not perfect, but it kept things going.