Dasgeek’s the one who originally announced the DLN Mumble and wrote the original guide. I’ve recommend a few times that the DLN Mumble be removed because it’s an un-moderated ghost town and while DLN gave it a solid go for a few months and advertised it on the show practically everyone chose Discord.
Despite that, DLN keeps the Mumble going anyway but forcing their audience to use something they’ve overwhelming voted against with their feet is probably going to do more harm than good for Linux.
That’s also assuming Mumble is stable at scale and well written which it is not, at least in my experience having using it over the past decade to host developer meetings and game groups. I refuse to use Discord, Mumble is my go-to VOIP solution and even i’m more anti-Mumble than DLN.
If DLN could have it’s cake and eat it too I guarantee it’d be eating that Mumble cake.