284: Accessibility Interview with Red Hat's Christian Schaller and Lukas Tyrychtr


This was a great episode. I’m not sure if it positions the community to make a change but I definitely believe that it was a great idea to set/clarify the floor of Linux accessibility and to muse on what the ceiling might be.

Good job, DL.

EDIT. Just got to the Steam Deck part. LOL. Get rekt, Michael.


Another highly recommended tool:


Such a cool episode! I’ve long wanted to see if I could chip in with some coding for accessibility. I was looking at it more from a KDE/Plasma perspective. Need to be in a steady job first before knuckling down to some volunteer work in this arena, perhaps, and coming to the end of a short-term contract, so hopefully I get something else soon and look at accessibility and what Fedora might have in mind then too. I agree that a co-ordinated effort might help launch this with sustainable momentum.

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